Daily Prompt: Happy Happy Joy Joy

What does “happiness” look like to you?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us HAPPY.

-Daily Prompt

Simple thoughts that show little care is enough to make me happy. May it come from friends, neighbors, colleagues or my family. In 2013 my happiness level was unexpectedly high. I was blessed more than I asked for and I am so grateful to God and to my family.

My husband never failed to call, chat or send sms in a day to bridge the distance. His thoughtfulness made me through the day even we’re living miles apart. My parents are so understanding and kind in all my decisions and I have a very supportive sister who is always in my side especially in times I need her. Above all I have my little angel, baby girl –Sydnee-  that completes my happiness!1483842_10151798630227484_161840605_o
